Consent Culture Project Popular

Consent Culture Project

We have decided to start collecting examples of predatory behaviour and harassment on our screens. Popular culture often normalises predatory behaviour and perpetuates a culture of misogyny, harassment and male violence against women.

If you have seen something on screen that you feel normalises predatory behaviour in any way, makes it appear casual, doesn’t show other characters challenging or responding appropriately and/or dismisses the voice of the victim then please submit your testimony here.

We need to build a culture of consent and we need to see that represented on our screens.


Submit to Consent Culture Database

This is a public database, your contribution will be posted below

Strong Testimonials form submission spinner.
E.g., Sexism, misogyny, harassment, peeping, leering, coercion, consent
Leave your name if you want to


Consent Culture Project


Big Bang Theory

The Big Bang minimises what could at best be descibed as creepy behaviours. The “nerdiness” of the characters suggests they are harmless young men who lack social skills. However the humour depends on getting cheap laughs from stereotyping and objectifying the female characters.

EpisodeProbably all
What does the issue involve?All the below!

Nocturnal Animals (2016) Director Tom Ford

High fashion aesthetic for rape and murder film. Violence against women as a plot device for a man’s narrative arc.

Dirty dancing

Main character, called ‘Baby’ having sexual relationship with a much older man, normalising statutory rape.

What does the issue involve?Statutory rape

Pretty Little Liars

Constantly romanticises paedophilia.

What does the issue involve?Teacher student relationship

Dawson’s Creek

Dawson and Pacey follow Eve and then watch her getting changed through a window like a couple of perverts. Except they’re not treated like a couple of perverts in the show, just plain old curious.


Dawson’s Creek

Pacey peeping on Joey getting changed like a perfectly normal and casual activity
