
bell hooks | Intellectual, Feminist Theorist, Writer and Activist

bell hooks is an American professor, feminist theorist and cultural critic whose many books, include Ain’t I A Woman: Black Women and Feminism and Feminism is for Everybody: Passionate Politics.

“I will not have my life narrowed down. I will not bow down to somebody else’s whim or to someone else’s ignorance.”

– bell hooks

bell hooks is a self-described black woman intellectual revolutionary activist and has spoken and written on the topics of race, gender, culture, and class, giving us so much critical thought and passion to fight for change.

“No Black woman writer in this culture can write ‘too much.’ Indeed, no woman writer can write ‘too much’… No woman has ever written enough.”

– bell hooks


Ain’t I A Woman?

Ain't I a Woman (Paperback)

In her first book Ain’t I A Woman: Black Women and Feminism bell hooks discusses the ways in which black women are oppressed by white men, black men and by white women.

hooks uses her own experiences to exemplify the ways in which many white feminists have ignored the issues surrounding race and class and provides a vital voice for black women within feminism and black activism.

*Find it at Waterstones for £18.99


Feminism is for Everybody

Feminism is for Everybody: Passionate Politics (Paperback)

In Feminism is for Everybody: Passionate Politics bell hooks begins by defining feminism: “Feminism is a movement to end sexism, sexist exploitation, and oppression.” And goes on to make the case for feminism and why we still need it today.

This is a marvellous and accessible book which explains through many examples what feminism is and why we should fight for it.

*Find it at Waterstones for £18.99


Outlaw Culture

Outlaw Culture: Resisting Representations - Routledge Classics (Paperback)

In a collection of essays titled Outlaw Culture bell hooks explores the ways in which race, class and gender intersect throughout popular culture.

hooks provides examples of biased media representations that are rooted in prejudice and stereotypes and discusses the ways in which popular culture often reaffirms society’s conventional norms and conservtivism.

*Find it at Waterstones for £15.99


all about love: New Visions

All About Love: New Visions - Love Song to the Nation (Paperback)

In this marvellous book all about love: New Visions bell hooks teaches us to reimagine love as she asks “what is love?”

In her deconstruction of romantic love, family love, community love, and self love, hooks challenges us to think about what it really means to love, and to be loved. As hooks considers what love really is and what it does, she gives us the power to reclaim it for ourselves and our communities. This really is one of the most amazing books you’ll ever read.

*Find it at Waterstones for £10.99


Skin Again

Skin Again (Hardback)

In Skin Again bell hooks teaches children that skin is just a covering and to know the real person you need to come inside.

Skin Again helps children to think about identity and the complex stories that make up who we all are.

*Find it at Waterstones for £9.99


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